New Hampshire


Decrease in Opioid
Prescriptions: 2013 - 2018


Total PDMP Queries in 2018

Treatment Locator

Physician education and training resources

The AMA encourages physicians to access the following education and training resources to help end your state’s opioid epidemic.

Board of Medicine Opioid Prescribing

Opioid Prescribing Resources

New Hampshire Opioid Prescribing Resource for Chronic Non-Terminal Pain (Opioid Prescribing Guidance with Embedded Links) Developed by the New Hampshire Medical Society (NHMS) Task Force on Pain and Prescription Opioid Misuse

Information on prescribing opioids for pain management

Resources from the New Hampshire Board of Medicine

Be part of the solution.

Join the AMA today and help us lead the effort
to reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic.