2022 Overdose Epidemic Report

Cover image from the 2022 AMA Advocacy 2022 Overdose Epidemic Report
The American Medical Association Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force continues to advance evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and physicians to help end the nation’s drug-related overdose and death epidemic. Physicians’ positive actions, however, are limited by an insufficient focus on meaningful policy implementation and enforcement to support affordable, accessible, evidence-based care for patients with a substance use disorder, pain, or access to harm reduction services such as naloxone, syringe services programs and fentanyl test strips.

We urge all stakeholders to come together to help reverse this national epidemic.

Read more in the 2022 Overdose Epidemic Report.



Total dispensed prescriptions to treat opioid use disorder (2012-2021)

From 2012 to 2021, medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD) increased 104%; from 2020 to 2021, however, it only increased 1.6%.

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Join the AMA today and help us lead the effort
to reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic.