AMA Issue Brief: Mental health and substance use disorder parity enforcement

The first of three issue briefs to encourage meaningful state and federal enforcement of mental health and substance use disorder parity laws. This brief provides key definitions and concepts.

AMA 2023 Overdose Report IQVIA Data Opioid Prescribing

Added 11/8/23

Issue brief: Nation’s drug-related overdose and death epidemic continues to worsen

This issue brief provides a one-page overview of the epidemic and select AMA advocacy initiatives and resources.

Opioid Use Disorder: Medical Treatment Options

Many patients with opioid use disorder are treated in primary care, where effective addiction treatment can be provided. Family physicians are ideally positioned to diagnose opioid use disorder, provide evidence-based treatment with buprenorphine or naltrexone, refer patients for methadone as appropriate, and lead the response to the current opioid crisis. Am Fam Physician. 2019 Oct 1;100(7):416-425.

Promote Safe Storage and Disposal of Opioids and all Medications

Help Save Lives: Co-Prescribe Naloxone to Patients at Risk of Overdose

Thinking of Prescribing an Opioid? Did You Check Your State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program?

The Nation’s Opioid Epidemic — Continued Advocacy Needed to Turn the Tide

Webinar Series: Pediatric Opioid Issues and Prevention Techniques

The opioid epidemic: What can surgeons do about it?

by Saurabh Saluja, MD, MPP, Don Selzer, MD, FACS, John G. Meara, MD, DMD, MBA, FACS, Kathleen Heneghan, PHD, RN, PN-C and John M. Daly, MD, FACS, FRCSI (Hon)

AMA CME – opioid primer

A Primer on the Opioid Morbidity and Mortality Crisis: What Every Prescriber Should Know

AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force

The AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force urges physicians and other health care professions to continue taking action to help reverse the nation’s drug overdose epidemic—and the Task Force also calls on policymakers to take specific steps to remove barriers to evidence-based care for patients with pain and those with a substance use disorder.

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to reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic.